Thursday, May 05, 2005

Hahaha sucker!

One more for today, sorry! This is a fairly good one. So the bus driver pulls over to a stop, but there's another bus there at the stop already, a bus from a different route. There's a girl standing and a woman sitting, and both are looking at the bus I'm on. The driver pulls up behind the first bus at the stop, a double-length bus, which put us at a good half-block away from the stop. The driver of my bus opens the door, which the girl sees, and she begins walking briskly toward us. Just as she gets to the bus door, the driver slams the door shut and drives away.


Amichai said...

I'm really digging this blog. This particular post reminded me of a great short story "The bus driver who wanted to be god." By Etgar Keret. It's a hebrew story but it's been translated to English in a book of short stories with the same name. you should check it out.

Annonymous said...

Thanks, I'll check it out right away! I'm going pretty fast through my reading material cause my commute is so long, so any suggestions on what to read is most welcome. Thanks for the kudos, too!