Thursday, May 05, 2005

Follow-up on first log.

So my friend from the first log was on the bus last night. This time I sat in one of the mid-level seats. He was using his computer to say things like "Controlling my speech and muscles are the only things that are wrong with me. I am not brain damaged. I was in a car accident when I was four years old. I have a job at... I am perfectly normal. Do you think I am retarded?" So now I'm sad, because no one responded to him, and I have no doubt that he's perfectly normal inside. It must be hard to have your mental capacities all there but no one to talk to because no one will talk to you. What should I do? It's a coincidence, too, that the book I was reading, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., the Doomsday Affair had one of the agents injected with a drug that made him appear to by phsycially challenged in the exact same way as the guy from my bus. It told the scenes from the guy's point of view, and played up his frustration at being perfectly mentally capable but totally incapable of talking or using his muscles properly. Crazy, huh?

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